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Papers Before 1995

Papers Before 1995

  1. "Dependence of Critical Current Density on Microstructure in High-Tc Suerconductors", A. Goyal, E.D. Specht, Z.L. Wang, D.M. Kroeger, J.A. Sutliff, J.E. Tkaczyk, J.A. Deluca, L.J. Masur, C.L. Briant and G.N. Riley, J. Electro. Mater., 23 (1994) 1191-1197.
  2. "Local Texture and Grain Boundary Misorientation in High Jc Oxide Superconductors" D.M. Kroeger, A. Goyal, E.D. Specht, J.E. Tkaczyk, J.A. Sutliff, J.A. Deluca, Z.L. Wang and G.N. Riley, 7th New York State Institute Conference on Superconductivity and Applications, Buffalo, NY, September 1994, to be published in Applied superconductivity.
  3. "The Path for Long-Range Conduction in High Tc TlBa2Ca2Cu3O8+X Spray-Pyrolyzed Deposits", D.M. Kroeger, A. Goyal, E.D. Specht, Z.L. Wang, J.E. Tkaczyk, J.A. Sutliff and J.A. Deluca, in Processing of Long Lengths of Superconductors, U. Balachandran ed., Minerals, Metals and Materials Soc. (1994) 289-297.
  4. "Advances in Processing and Properties of YBa2Cu4O8 Conductors", L.J. Masur, E.R. Podtburg, C.A. Craven, A. Otto, Z.L. Wang And D.M. Kroeger, JOM, December (1994) 28-30.
  5. "Bi-Axial Texture in Ca0.1Y0.9Ba2Cu4O8 Composite Wire Made by Metallicprecursors", L.J. Masur, E.R. Podtburg, C.A. Craven, A. Otto, Z.L. Wang, D.M. Kroeger, J.Y. Coulter and M.P. Maley, Physica C 230 (1994) 274-282.
  6. "Interface and Grain Boundary Structures i YBa2Cu3O7-X and YBa2Cu4O8 Materials", Z.L. Wang, R. Kontra, D.M. Kroeger, A. Goyal and R.K. Williams, Interface Sci., 1 (1994) 321-337.
  7. "Evidence of Local Texture in High Jc Tl-1223 Spray Pyrolyzed Deposits", D.M. Kroeger, A. Goyal, E.D. Specht, Z.L. Wang, J.E. Tkaczyk and J.A. Deluca, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 (1994) 106-108.
  8. "Epitaxial Growth of Pt(001)Thin Films On MgO(001) Under Oxidizing Conditions", G. Cui, P. Van Buskirk, J. Zhang, C.P. Beetz, Steinbeck, Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Proc. Mater. Res. Soc. 310 (1994) 345-350.
  9. "Dislocation Contrast in High-Angle Hollow-Cone Dark-Field TEM", Z.L. Wang, Ultramicroscopy 53 (1994) 73-90.
  10. "Growth Mechanism of CVD Diamond Films Determined by a Novel TEM Technique", Z.L. Wang, J. Bentley, R.E. Clausing, L. Heatherly and L.L. Horton, J. Mater. Res. 9 (1994) 1552-1565.
  11. "Thermal Diffuse Scattering in High-Resolution Electron Holography", Z.L. Wang, Ultramicroscopy 52 (1993) 504-511.
  12. "Microstructures and Flux-Pinning in Melt-Processed YBa2Cu3O7-X", Z.L. Wang, R. Kontra, A. Goyal and D.M. Kroeger, Materials Science Forum, 129 (1993) 1-16.
  13. "Grain Boundary Chemistry and Weak Link Behavior of Polycrystalline YBa2Cu4O8", Z.L. Wang, J. Brynestad, D.M. Kroeger, Y.R. Sun, J.R. Thompson and R.K. Williams, Phys. Rev. B,48 (1993) 9726-9734.
  14. "Path for Longrange Conduction in High Jc TlBa2Ca2Cu3O8+X Spray-Pyrolyzed Deposits", D.M. Kroeger, A. Goyal, E.D. Specht, Z.L. Wang and J.E. Tkaczyk, Fall Meeting of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society: Physical Metallurgy and Materials, Pittsburgh, PA (US), 17-21 Oct (1993).
  15. "Structural and Chemical Disorder Near the YBa2Cu3O7-X-Y2BaCuO5 Interface and its Possible Relation to the Flux-Pinning Behavior in Melt-Textured YBa2Cu3O7-X", Z.L. Wang, A. Goyal and D.M. Kroeger, Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 5373-5382.
  16. "Grain Boundary Studies by the Coincidence Site Lattice Model and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of the Oxygen K-Edge in YBa2Cu3O7-X", Y. Zhu, Z.L. Wang and M. Suenaga, Philos. Mag. A 67 (1993) 11-28.
  17. "Substrate reactions and flux pinning structures in melt-processed YBa2Cu3O7-x on Ag-Pd alloy substrate", D.M. Kroeger, A. Goyal, Z.L. Wang, F.A. List and K.B. Alexander, in HTS Materials, Bulk Processing and Bulk Applications, C.W. Chu, W.K. Chu, P.H. Hor and K. Salama eds., World Scientific (New Jersey, 1992) 329-335.
  18. "In-Situ Dynamic Processes on Cleaved alpha-Alumina Bulk Crystal Surfaces Imaged by Reflection Electron Microscopy", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Ultramicroscopy, 51 (1993) 64-80.
  19. "Determination of Effective Ionization Cross-Sections for Quantitative Surface Chemical Microanalysis Using REELS", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Ultramicroscopy 48 (1993), 465-473.
  20. "Microstructural Effects on Surface Mechanical Properties of Ion Implanted Polymers", G.R. Rao, Z.L. Wang and E.H. Lee, J. Mater. Res., 8 (1993) 927-933.
  21. "Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of High-Angle Thermal Diffuse Scattered Electrons in TEM", Z.L. Wang and A.T. Fisher, Ultramicroscopy, 48 (1993) 183-196.
  22. "Textures and Morphologies of Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) Diamond", R.E. Clausing, L. Heatherly, L.L. Horton, E.D. Specht, G.M. Begun and Z.L. Wang, Diamond and Related Materials, 1 (1992) 411-415.
  23. "Defects Near Y2BaCuO5/YBa2Cu3O7-X Interface and their Effect on Flux-Pinning in Melt Processed and Quench-Melt-Growth Processed YBa2Cu3O7-X", Z.L. Wang, A. Goyal, D.M. Kroeger and T. Armstrong, in Layered Superconductors: Fabrication, Properties and Applications, Proc. of MRS, D.T. Shaw, C.C. Tsuei, T.R. Schneider and Y. Shiohara eds. 275 (1992) 181-186.
  24. "Atomic Step Structures on Cleaved alpha-Alumina (012) Surfaces", Z.L. Wang, Surf. Sci., 271 (1992) 477-492.
  25. "In-Situ Formation of MgO2 Thin Films on MgO Single Crystal Surfaces at High Temperatures", 109.Z.L. Wang, J. Bentley, E.A. Kenik, L.L. Horton and R.A. Mckee, Surf. Sci. 273 (1992) 88-108.
  26. "Incoherence Effects in Reflection Electron Microscopy", A. Howie, M.Y. Lanzerotti and Z.L. Wang, Microscopy Microanalysis Microstructures, 3 (1992) 233-241.
  27. "On Charge Density Determinations in Intermetallics by Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction", J.A. Horton, Z.L. Wang, H.L. Fraser and R. Beanland, Mater. Sci. and Eng. A 152 (1992) 237-239.
  28. "Dynamical Simulations of Energy-Filtered Inelastic Electron Diffraction Patterns", Z.L. Wang, Acta Cryst. A 48 (1992) 674-688.
  29. "Dynamics of Thermal Diffuse Scattering in High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Imaging - Theory and Experiments", Z.L. Wang, Philos. Mag. B 65 (1992) 559-587.
  30. "Diffraction and Imaging Theory of Inelastically Scattered Electrons - A New A roach", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Scanning Microscopy Su lement 6 (1992) 195-208.
  31. "Reflection Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and Imaging for Surface Studies in Transmission Electron Microscopies", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Microscopy Research and Technique, 20 (1992) 390-405.
  32. "Valence and Phonon Excitations in High-Resolution Electron Microscopy", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, in Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1991. Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference, C.J. Humphreys ed. (1991) 547-550.
  33. "Valence and Phonon Excitations in High-Resolution Electron Microscopy", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 119, EMAG 91 (Bristol, UK, 1991) 547-550.
  34. "Multiple-Inelastic Scattering In High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Imaging", Z.L. Wang, Acta Cryst. A 47 (1991) 686-698.
  35. "Theory of Phase Correlations in Localized Inelastic Electron Diffraction and Imaging", Z.L. Wang And J. Bentley, Ultramicroscopy, 38 (1991) 181-213.
  36. "Energy-Filtered HREM Images of Valence-Loss Electrons", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Microscopy Microstructure Microanalysis 2 (1991), 569-588.
  37. "Imaging Friction Tracks at Natural Polished Diamond Surfaces Using Reflection Electron Microscopy", Z.L. Wang, J. Electron Microscopy Technique, 17 (1991) 231-240.
  38. "Growth Mechanism of CVD Diamond Films Determined by a Novel TEM Technique", Z.L. Wang, J. Bentley, R.E. Clausing, L. Heatherly and L.L. Horton, in "Applications of Diamond Films and Related Materials", Y. Tzeng, M. Yoshikawa, M. Murakawa and A. Feldman, eds. (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1991), 489-494.
  39. "Imaging Friction Tracks on Diamond Surfaces Using Reflection Electron Microscopy (REM)", Z.L. Wang, Z. Feng and J.E. Field, Philos. Mag. A 63 (1991) 1275-1289.
  40. "Analytical Reflection Electron Microscopy and Surface Science - A Review of Experimental Progress", Z.L. Wang, Progress In Physics (Chinese Edition), 11 (1991), 1-16.
  41. "Optimum Experimental Conditions for Quantitative Surface Microanalysis Using Reflection Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Microsc. Microanal. Micostruct. 2 (1991) 301-314.
  42. "In-Situ Observations of High Temperature Surface Processes on alpha-Alumina Bulk Crystals", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, in Advances in Surfaces and Thin Film Diffraction, eds. T.C. Huang, P.J. Cohen and D.J. Eaglesham, MRS Symposium Proceedings, 208 (1991) 155-160.
  43. "Reflection Electron Imaging and Spectroscopy Studies of Metal Reduction at Alpha-Alumina (0,-1,2) Surfaces", Z.L. Wang, J. Microscopy, 163 (1991) 261-274.
  44. "Analytical Electron Microscopy of Materials with A Philips EM 400T FEG", J. Bentley, E.A. Kenik, K.B. Alexander, Z.L. Wang and A.T. Fisher, Philips Electron Optics Bulletin, 130 (1991) 13-21.
  45. "Electron Microscope Methods for Imaging Internal Magnetic Fields at High Spatial Resolution", J.C.H. Spence and Z.L. Wang, in Science and Technology of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute, ed. G. Hadjipanayis and G.A. Prinz (1991) 279-300.
  46. "Z-Contrast Imaging of Bulk Crystal Surfaces in Scanning Reflection Electron Microscopy", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Ultramicroscopy, 37 (1991) 39-49.
  47. "Simulating High-Angle Annular Dark Field (ADF) STEM Images Including Inelastic Thermal Diffuse Scattering", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 31 (1989) 437-454.
  48. "Theory of High-Angle Annular Dark Field STEM Images of Ge/Si Interfaces", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 32 (1990) 275-289.
  49. "Magnetic Contrast in Reflection Electron Microscopy", Z.L. Wang and J.C.H. Spence, Surf. Sci., 234 (1990) 98-107.
  50. "Imaging and Spectroscopy Of alpha-Al2O3, Diamond, Ni and Fe Bulk Crystal Surfaces", Z.L. Wang and J. Bentley, Ultramicroscopy, 37 (1990) 103-115.
  51. "Electron Beam Radiation Damage at an Alpha-Alumina (0,-1,1) Surfaces of Different Atomic Terminations", Z.L. Wang and A. Howie, Surf. Sci. 226 (1990) 293-306.
  52. "Plural-Scattering Deconvolution of Electron Energy-Loss Spectra Recorded with an Angle-Limiting Aperture", R.F. Egerton and Z.L. Wang, Ultramicroscopy, 32 (1990) 137-148.
  53. "A Dynamic Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Theory of High-Energy Electrons - A Multislice A roach", Z.L. Wang, Progress in Physics (Chinese Edition), 10 (1990) 235-247.
  54. "Dynamical Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging - A New Theoretical Aproach", Z.L. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 41 (1990) 12818 - 12837.
  55. "Electron Virtual Inelastic Scattering in the Multislice Scheme", Z.L. Wang, Acta Cryst. A 46 (1990) 366-371.
  56. "A Multislice Theory of Electron Inelastic Scattering in a Solid", Z.L. Wang, Acta. Cryst., A 45 (1989) 636-644.
  57. "Surface Microanalysis by Reflection Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy", Z.L. Wang, J. Electron Microscopy Technique, 14 (1989), 13-20.
  58. "Sensitivity of the ELNES in REELS to the Beam Reductions at the TiO2 (110) Surface", Z.L. Wang, J. Liu and J.M. Cowley, Surf. Sci. 216 (1989) 528-538.
  59. "Scattering Processes of High Energy Electrons in Crystal Surfaces", Z.L. Wang, Micron and Microscopica Acta, 19 (1989) 201-207.
  60. "Experimental Conditions for Surface Microanalysis with REELS", Z.L. Wang, J. Electron Microscopy Technique, 11 (1989) 70-75.
  61. "REM and REELS Identifications of Atomic Terminations at Alpha-Alumina (0-1,1) Surface", N. Yao, Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Surf. Sci., 208 (1989) 533-549.
  62. "Reflection Electron Microscopy Studies of Surface Cleavage and Friction Processes", Z.L. Wang and A. Howie, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 98: Chapter 1, EMAGMICRO (1989) 17-20.
  63. "Electron Resonance Reflection Form Perfect Crystal Surfaces and Surface with Steps", Z.L. Wang, J. Liu, P. Lu and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 27 (1989) 101-112.
  64. "Studies of Surface Resonance Waves in RHEED", Z.L. Wang, Philos. Mag. B, 60 (1989) 617-626.
  65. "Modified Multislice Theory for Calculating the Energy Filtered Inelastic Images in REM and HREM", Z.L. Wang, Acta Cryst. A, 45 (1989) 193-199.
  66. "Dynamical Calculations for RHEED and REM Including the Plasmon Inelastic Scattering I: Total Elastic Plus Inelastic Scattering", Z.L. Wang, Surf. Sci., 215 (1989) 201-216.
  67. "Dynamical Calculations for RHEED and REM Including the Plasmon Inelastic Scattering II: The Energy Filtered Inelastic RHEED and REM", Z.L. Wang, Surf. Sci., 215 (1989) 217-231.
  68. "Electron Inelastic Scattering and Its Resonance Propagations at Crystal Surfaces in RHEED", Z.L. Wang, J. Liu and J.M. Cowley, Acta Cryst. A 45 (1989) 325-333.
  69. "Intensity Enhancement and Inelastic Scattering in RHEED", Z.L. Wang, Surf. Sci., 214 (1989) 44-56.
  70. "Plasmon Diffuse Scattering in Dynamical Calculation for RHEED - A Method of Introducing the Inelastic Scattering in the Multislice Theory", Z.L. Wang and P. Lu, Ultramicroscopy, 26 (1988) 217-225.
  71. "Dynamical Investigations of Electrons Channeling on a Ste ed Crystal Surfaces in the REM Geometry,” Z.L. Wang, Ultramicroscopy, 24 (1988) 371-386.
  72. "Reflection Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy - A Technique for the Study Of Surfaces", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Surf. Sci., 193 (1988) 501-512.
  73. "Atomic Inner Shell Excitation with EELS in Reflection Mode", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, J. De Microscopie et Spectroscopy Electronique, 13 (1988) 189-204.
  74. "Reflection High Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy - A Technique for Study of Surfaces", Z.L. Wang, J. Electron Microscopy Technique, 10 (1988) 35-45.
  75. "RHEED and REELS Characterization of Electron Resonance Channeling in Crystal Surface", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 26 (1988) 233-237.
  76. "Absolute Determination of Surface Atomic Concentration by REELS", Z.L. Wang and R.F. Egerton, Surf. Sci., 205 (1988) 25-37.
  77. "Electron Multiple Inelastic Scattering in the Geometry of RHEED", Z.L. Wang, Ultramicroscopy, 26 (1988) 321-326.
  78. "REM and REELS Characterization of the MgO (100) Surface Structures and Surface Reactions", Z.L. Wang, Mater. Lett., 6 (1988) 105-111.
  79. "Surface Structures and Beam Induced Metallic Reduction in InP", Z.L. Wang, Mater. Lett., 7 (1988) 40-43.
  80. "High Spatial Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy Studies on the CO/CeO2 System", C. Colliex, D. Ugarte, Z.L. Wang, M. Gasgnier and V. Paul-Boncour, Surface and Interface Analysis, 12 (1988) 3-10.
  81. "Electron Microscopy Characterization of Lanthanum-Cobalt Intermetallic Catalysts", Z.L. Wang, C. Colliex, V. Paul-Boncour, A. Percheron-Guegan, J.C. Achard and J. Barrault, J. Catalysts, 105 (1987) 120-143.
  82. "Beam Induced Composition Changes in the 'Melted' GaAs", Z.L. Wang, Mater. Lett., 6 (1987) 112-116.
  83. "Surface Plasmon Excitation for Spported Metal Particles", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 21 (1987) 77-93.
  84. "Generation of Surface Plasmon in a Supported Metal Particles with an External Electron Beam", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 21 (1987) 347-365.
  85. "Excitation of Surface Plasmon in a Supported Metal Particle with an External Electron Beam", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 21 (1987) 335-345.
  86. "Size and Shape Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Frequencies for supported metal-particles systems", Z.L. Wang and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 23 (1987) 97-107.
  87. "Electron Resonance Channeling on Crystal Surface in RHEED Geometry", Z.L. Wang, P. Lu and J.M. Cowley, Ultramicroscopy, 23 (1987) 205-221.
  88. "Defocused Dark-Field Image of Crystal Surfaces", J.M. Cowley and Z.L. Wang, Ultramicroscopy, 19 (1986) 217-223.